In 2022, a safe and healthy working environment was recognised by the ILO as one of the fundamental principles and rights at work. Along with the other fundamental principles and rights at work (freedom of association and the effective right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour; the effective abolition of child labour; and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation), ILO member states are called upon to respect, promote and realize the fundamental principles and rights at work, regardless of whether they have ratified the ILO conventions in which they are enshrined.
Better Work kompaniyasi OSHga bo‘lgan yondashuvini mustahkamlamoqda, zavod ishtirokini kengaytirmoqda va doimiy va tuzilmaviy muvofiqlik buzilishlarining asosiy sabablariga maqsadli e’tiborni kuchaytirmoqda.
In addition to the targeted actions required to face and overcome challenging situations like the COVID-19 pandemic, Better Work has a long standing history of working on different dimensions of OSH across its country programmes. Studies have shown how the programme’s positive effects on OSH significantly increase in parallel with years of participation.
Better Work o'z e'tiborini mehnatni muhofaza qilish tizimini boshqarish tizimlari va xatti-harakatlarini o'zgartirishga qaratadi. Bunga Toʻqimachilik, kiyim-kechak, charm va poyafzal ishlab chiqarish boʻyicha OSH qoidalari va XMT konventsiyasiga muvofiq mehnat muhojirlari yashaydigan yotoqxonalar xavfsizligini oshirish, ishchilar qatnovi vaqtida yoʻl harakati xavfsizligini taʼminlash hamda zavod maydonchasida zoʻravonlik va taʼqiblarga barham berish boʻyicha maqsadli harakatlar kiradi. № 190 .
To identify pragmatic and robust solutions to persistent non-compliance areas, embedded in management systems and change management processes. Working with key ILO units, Better Work will contribute to an OSH toolkit to support implementation of the ILO OSH Code of Practice. The interventions are designed to help build capacity within the sector to use the Code and address key risks including the ever-mounting OSH risks of chemicals and waste management, as well as violence and harassment in the context of OSH.
Better Work will support policy reform and the implementation of national OSH action plans by supporting other ILO units to strengthen national ministries of labour, departments of OSH or other institutions through broadly sharing its data, experience and expertise for capacity building.
Leverage partnerships with brands, the ILO, and other experts to identify the root causes of OSH non-compliance and tackle these issues collectively and holistically. Better Work collaborates closely with ILO other specialists to engage in initiatives, including with the private sector, to capture and build more robust OSH better data, including through new technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT).
Better Work besh yillik strategiyasi (2022-27) butun dunyo bo'ylab tikuvchilik va poyabzal sanoati ehtiyojlariga moslashish uchun bir qator strategik ustuvorliklar atrofida innovatsiyalarni o'z ichiga oladi.